nelite pattern glass

Patterned glass is also a type of glass, and it is also called "patterned glass" or "knurled glass". It is also a type of flat glass, which is also made by rolling.

Patterned glass is a kind of opaque glass, but it will not block the entrance of light, and it also has a good protection for privacy. Therefore, embossed glass is used in toilets, partitions, glass windows and other places because of its hidden characteristics, which has strong decoration and practicality.

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Product Detail

Patterned glass is suitable for indoor partitions, bathroom doors and windows, and various occasions where lighting is required but the line of sight needs to be blocked. Because patterned glass is made by pressing, its strength is much greater than that of ordinary flat glass. At the same time, embossed glass can be produced in various colors, and can be used as a good decorative material in various indoor spaces. The characteristics of high strength and good decorative effect of patterned glass enable it to be widely used in various indoor spaces. Living room, dining room, study room, screen, entrance hall, all suitable for installing patterned glass

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